
Dental Implant Treatment Procedure and Complications

A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically implanted into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. A dental crown is then attached to the implant to create a natural-looking replacement tooth. 

The dental implants Sydney treatment procedure usually takes several months to complete and may involve several visits to the dentist. The first step is to fix the dental implant into your jawbone surgically. The healing period is usually about three to six months, depending on several factors, including the number of implants placed in your mouth. 

During this time, you will be fitted with temporary teeth until the dental implant treatment procedure is complete. Once successfully healed, the dentist removes excess bone and attaches a dental crown to the implant. The crown usually takes about three days to fabricate in the dentist's office. Because each case is different, it is best to ask your dentist for specific details about your treatment plan. 

The study also found that patients with implants are more likely to keep their teeth well than patients without implants. Additionally, implants tend to have better oral health and a higher quality of life. 

Despite the many benefits of dental implants, there are some risks and complications. These include: 

- Infection: The most common complication of dental implants is infection. This can occur if the implant is not adequately healed or if bacteria can build up around the implant. To prevent infection, make sure you know your dentist's instructions after surgery, follow them carefully, and avoid exposing the wound site to saliva or foreign objects. 

- Bone loss: Dental implants require a large amount of jawbone density for proper healing. If this bone is lost after implant placement, the implant may become loose or even fall out. To avoid bone loss, make sure to eat a healthy diet and attend all follow-up appointments with your dentist. 

- Dental implant failure: While dental implants are considered very successful, they can occasionally fail. You will have to get the implant re-implanted or replaced if this occurs. Sometimes, implant failure can be caused by biting your teeth together, an infection, or bone loss. 

Always speak to your dentist before opting for any procedures involving dental implants. Discuss the expected results and possible complications before getting started with treatment. Your dentist will help you decide whether dental implants are right for you. 

- Loss of the implant: The most common problem with dental implants is failure to form a tight seal within the jawbone, which leads to implant loosening and ultimately bone loss. This complication can be avoided by regularly practising good oral hygiene habits (brushing, flossing).  

- Metals allergy: Dental implants are usually made of titanium metal, which can cause a metallic taste and other issues for those with allergies. Ask the dentist whether you might have an allergy to metals before getting implants.  

- Extra time: The treatment requires extra attention from both you and your dentist. You must follow instructions given by your dental specialist carefully; otherwise, complications may occur.  

- Pain: Although rare, you may experience some pain and discomfort after getting dental implants. However, the pain is temporary and can be relieved with over-the-counter medication. 

A dental implant treatment procedure is a safe and effective way to replace missing teeth. Implants are placed directly into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth. A dental crown is then attached to the implant, which looks and feels just like a natural tooth. The healing period is usually about three to six months, depending on several factors, including the number of implants placed in your mouth. During this time, you will be fitted with temporary teeth until the dental implant treatment procedure is complete. Once successfully healed, your dentist will place the crown on the implant.  

- Sinus problems: Occasionally, dental implants can cause sinus problems if placed too close to the sinus cavity. If this occurs, you may need to see an ENT specialist to correct the problem. 

- Nerve damage: In rare cases, nerve damage can occur during the implant placement procedure. This is temporary and does not cause any permanent damage. 

- Tongue numbness: You may experience some brief nerve or tongue numbness after getting dental implants, but this will go away in a week or so. 

Studies have shown that tooth loss can increase the risk of other health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and even dementia. Dental implants prevent many health problems associated with tooth loss. To know more about dental implants, schedule an appointment with your dentist at the earliest.