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Oregon Governor Tom McCall confers with OSU symphony conductor Bernard Gilmore, Feb. 12, 1969
12015-10-26T21:53:04-07:00Keenan Ward2cdcd8d7f43837000f1c46b62b720aeba303ca2956292Oregon Governor Tom McCall confers with OSU symphony conductor Bernard Gilmore, Feb. 12, 1969. McCall was rehearsing with the orchestra for a performance of Aaron Copland’s Lincoln Portrait. McCall was the narrator for the performance of the classic tribute to Abraham Lincoln on his birthday. (P92:1250)plain2015-10-26T21:53:25-07:00oregondigital_df70c916p.jpgPresident's Office PhotographsKeenan Ward2cdcd8d7f43837000f1c46b62b720aeba303ca29
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12015-09-22T19:58:53-07:00Larry Landis with OSU Digital Publishing9d087289d46d0c9b0a147e7761e40d9b5f746896Campus Organizations at OSUKeenan Ward14image_header1746962015-10-28T20:09:02-07:00Keenan Ward2cdcd8d7f43837000f1c46b62b720aeba303ca29